History | August & December 1996 Hearing Review

By Marjorie D. Skafte and Karl E. Strom

Part 1: HR Editorial Director Marj Skafte provides a brief review of the development of amplification devices for people with hearing impairment prior to the 1940s.

Part 2: HR Editor in Chief Karl Strom provides a timeline of historical developments in hearing healthcare that occurred in the 1940s-1960s (August 1996 edition) and in the 1970s-1990s (to 1996, December 1996 edition).

Note: This article was published prior to the establishment of The Hearing Review‘s website, but can be read as a PDF document here:

Citation for this article: Skafte MD, Strom KE. The ‘passages’ of hearing health care (and timeline of hearing industry events). Hearing Review. 1996;3(8):8-19;3(12):8-14.