HLAAAccording to the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) has unanimously approved three resolutions to benefit people with hearing loss.

Lise Hamlin represented HLAA at the FCC DAC’s meeting on September 22, 2016. Lise co-chairs the Video Programming Committee, and sits on the Relay/Equipment Distribution Subcommittee, Relay Working Group, and the Technology Transitions Subcommittee, which worked on recommendations presented to the full DAC.

FCCThree recommendations that will directly benefit consumers with hearing loss were approved without dissent at the meeting.

The recommendations are concerning:

  • Internet Protocol (IP) captioned telephone service quality standards
  • 911 training for video relay service communication assistants
  • Amplified phones

The DAC provides advice and recommendations to the FCC on a wide array of disability issues within their jurisdiction. It offers a means for stakeholders with interests in accessibility issues to exchange ideas, facilitates the participation of consumers with disabilities in proceedings before the Commission, and assists the Commission in educating the greater disability community and covered entities on disability-related matters. The DAC also keeps the Commission apprised of current and evolving communications issues for persons with disabilities.

On the FCC DAC webpage, scroll down to “DAC Recommendations.”

DAC Recommendations


  • Disability Advisory Committee Recommendation on IP Captioned Telephone Service Quality Standards
    Word PDF
  • Disability Advisory Committee Recommendation on 911 Training for Video Relay Service Communication Assistants
    Word PDF
  • Disability Advisory Committee Recommendation on Amplified Phones
    Word PDF

Source: HLAA; FCC Disability Advisory Committee (DAC)