What types of things (outside of doing well in school!) should a third-year audiology student be doing or thinking about to prepare for entering the audiology workforce?

Looking ahead is a great idea and will position you well for an exciting career. Here are a few suggestions:

First, consider joining the Student Academy of the American Academy of Audiology. You will make great contacts and become involved in various activities that will broaden your perspective. Likewise, state Audiology Associations are also fantastic meeting grounds where you will become acquainted with your peers and others that are involved in issues across our field. Spending time with audiologists and learning more about different facets will help you grow and begin to identify your unique interests and opportunities. Try to attend both state and national conventions and volunteer for a committee if you can. The hands on approach will provide you with valuable professional insights and relationships that will reward you in the future. You can also visit their websites, where you will find an abundance of helpful resources. Good luck!

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