Hearing Industry Product and Service Companies: HRVP 1

What products or services are you featuring for IHS and ADA this fall? Let Hearing Review know for our IHS and ADA Hearing Review Products September and November issues. This free editorial opportunity is available to all hearing healthcare manufacturers and industry services.  

To participate in HRP‘s IHS and/or ADA 2013 “What’s New” fall product preview, please submit the following to: [email protected].

  • 100 word maximum description for one or two recent products that you’ll be featuring in the fall. No general company info please. Product info only.
  • Do not use superlatives (“best,” “most innovative,” etc) in your description. Just the facts, please, about the product or service features. We will edit your description as necessary.
  • High resolution logo
  • High resolution jpg or tiff image of each product
  • Company website address
  • 800 number or other phone number

You can submit up to 2 products (2 for each issue). However, depending on the number of submissions we receive, we may have room for only one product. Therefore, please state your order of preference if you submit more than one product. Also please state which issue or state if it’s for September or November, or for both issues.

  • The deadline for product submissions for HRP’s IHS September issue is August 12.
  • The deadline for the ADA November issue is October 1.

Should you have any questions, please email [email protected].