Search Results for: Teleaudiology

Teleaudiology: Friend or Foe in the Consumerism of Hearing Healthcare?

In Part 2 of this 2-part article, Tammara Stender, Jennifer Groth, and David Fabry address how teleaudiology can provide better fit-to-preference and efficiency in hearing healthcare. Today’s wireless and hearing instrument technology affords HCPs even more opportunities to quickly meet hearing needs. The obvious solution to the “user fit-to-preference versus time constraints for both users and professionals” dilemma is a hearing fitting protocol that marries the personal and professional interactions so important for user satisfaction with the convenience of user-driven services, such as apps or secure cloud connections.

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Teleaudiology: Friend or Foe in the Consumerism of Hearing Healthcare?

The new generation of consumers of healthcare—including hearing healthcare—are open to new ways of engaging with providers, including telehealth. Although providers have concerns in this area, advances in technology point inescapably toward incorporating aspects of telehealth in hearing healthcare. This article by David Fabry, PhD, and Jennifer Groth, MA, considers how the trend toward consumerism in hearing healthcare might interact with other trends, including telehealth.

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