Tag: cardiovascular disease



Heart Health & Hearing Health: Q&A with Starkey Chief Health Officer Archelle Georgiou, MD

February is American Heart Month. Did you know that your heart health is linked to your hearing health? There’s an important connection between your ears and your heart, and neglecting your cardiovascular system could spell trouble for your hearing. Starkey Chief Health Officer Archelle Georgiou, MD, offers insights on this connection and proactive tips to keep in mind.



Dementia Screening: A Role for Audiologists

While administering a screening test for dementia is relatively simple, the process and results may trigger significant emotions and anxiety within the patient. The patient may feel confused, vulnerable, and scared. This article addresses these issues, and how to manage and minimize negative thoughts and feelings associated with dementia screenings. Further, this article by audiologists Douglas Beck, Barbara Weinstein, and clinical psychologist Michael Harvey offers how to use dementia screening processes and outcomes to do what is truly in the best interest of the patient—not just with regard to hearing and listening, but globally, too.

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